Activism TodayYou are never too young to fight for what is right. That appears to be the message conveyed by 17-year-old Alec Loorz and a bunch of kids in the United States who are taking their government to task over inaction over climate change.

There is little surprise that Washington has been slow to sign up to any meaningful change at the climate talks in Durban, South Africa. But back home, a group of young people led by Loorz, founder of Kids vs. Global Warming, is suing for change.

In all, 10 lawsuits, one against the federal government and the others against individual states, were filed in May. The latest news this week is that the preliminary injunction hearing was scheduled for Dec. 15 in San Francisco, but it was recently transferred to Washington, D.C., due to the national significance of the case. So far there has been no word yet on the date.

Details can be found at the following websites:

I Matter March
Our Children’s Trust

17-year-old Alec Loorz on why he is suing

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