Aaron Paquette

Native American artist Aaron Paquette, in a personal piece on his blog, praises the Idle No More movement but also raises questions about how the group is progressing, particularly with a new group on the scene, Nations Rising, and the frustrations of those who want to see more action.

As he says in his post entitled, Is there a future for Idle No More?, the Idle No More movement has already started the process of ushering a new era in Canadian politics. It has has maintained the philosophy of teaching, forming alliances and bonds of friendship (basically dispelling myths and prejudices with knowledge and kindness) with which it all began.

But with the arrival of the group Nations Rising, Paquette asks about the way forward.

Check out the full story Is there a future for Idle No More?

Disclaimer: This story does not represent the views of Earth Tribe – Activist News but it put up in the spirit of communication and dialogue.