President Obama
Photo: Paul McRae
Mr. President: 5 Ways to Salvage Your Environmental Legacy (and Our Future)
To be blunt, when it came to tackling the most important environmental issues of our age, President Obama’s first term was a disappointment. He has a chance to salvage his legacy (and ours) in his second term.

Americans Elect a Leader on Clean Energy, Clean Air, and Climate Action
Tuesday night Americans reelected a president who made clean energy and environmental protection a cornerstone of his first term. They chose the one candidate who spoke seriously about climate change on the campaign trail and used his authority to reduce America’s carbon pollution. They rewarded this leadership by calling for four more years of action. This is a victory for all Americans who want to breathe clean air, drink safe water, and protect treasured landscapes. And it is a setback for the fossil fuel companies that invested so heavily in this election and have so little to show for it.

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